

A study on the Newly Discovered Copy of “The Great Universal Geographic Map”
龔纓晏、梁杰龍/Gong Yingyan, Liang Lielong

“The Indo-China Peninsula Map”and the Maritime Trade Routes between China, Siam and Burma
王巨新/Wang Juxin

The Maldives and Its Cowry Trade in Historical Indian Ocean
錢江/Qian Jiang

Ningbo People as Depicted in the Japanese Noh Drama
李廣志/Li Guangzhi

A Prelimninary Study on the Introduction of Modern Horses to the Americas
徐楊、張箭/Xu Yang, Zhang Jian

The Social Structure of the Fujianese Community in Burma, 1885-1945
李楓/Li Feng

Maritime Silk Road the Chinese Folk Religion in Bintan, Indonesia
施雪琴、許婷婷/Shi Xueqin, Xu Tingting

跨洋流動、地方適應與中國聯結 ― 毛里求斯華人社團與社會探析
Migration, Local Adaptation and Counection with China: A Study on the Chinese Community in Mauritius from the Perspective of Associstions
段穎、陳志明/Duan Ying, TAN Chee - Beng

出磚入史 ― 南紅磚中的地方記憶與空間轉型
A Study On Regional Memories and Spatial Transformation of the Red – Brick Architecture in Southern Fujian
羅攀/Luo Pan

元代畏吾兒航海家亦黑迷失與泉州港 ― 以三方碑刻為中心
The Uyghur Navigator Iqmiš and the Quanzhou Harbour of Yuan China with a Focus on Three Inscriptions
陳麗華/Chen Lihua

The Fanghu Mountain, neither Penghu Aachipelago nor Jeju Island
施存龍/Shi Cunlong

“海上絲綢之路歷史上的移民與貿易” 學術研討會綜述
A Summary of the Sym posium on “Migration and Trade on the Historical Maritime Silk Road”
林儀/Lin YI

Book Reviews







On the History of Fuchuan
劉義傑/Liu Yijie

Silla’s Naval Forces and the International Relations of Ancient Northeast Asia
張曉東/Zhang Xiaodong

Pirates and Bandits in Coastal Areas and the Local Political Situation at the Turn of the Song and Yuan Dynasties: Military of Chen Wuhu and Chen Diaoyan in Chaozhou and Zhangzhou
吳榕青/Wu Rongqing

Maritime Contacts and Porcelain Trade between China and Portugal in the 16th  Century
王冠宇/Wang Guanyu

On Guo Rulin’s Mission to Ryukyu and his Reedited Records of Mission to Ryukyu
陳占彪/Chen Zhanbiao

Research on Three Historials on the Communication between Southern Fujian and Ryukyu of the Qing Dynasty in the Ryukyu Mandarin Textbook Guangying Guanhua as Kept at Chimu Library
范常喜/Fang Changxi

New Evidence on the History of Westward Voyages of Wu Ming, a Military Offcer in Fuzhou
李國宏/Li Guohong

Study on the Worship of Mazu in Ryukyu Kingdom
李宏偉、陽陽/Li Hongwei, Yang Yang

Quanzhou Coastal Defence in the Ming Dynasty and Its Relationship with Overseas Trade Policy
蕭彩雅/Xiao Caiya

A Study on Vohemar Ancient Tombs in Madagascar
孔令遠、李豔華/Kong Lingyuan, Li Yanhua


The Shipbuilding Technology of the Multi-plank Scale-lapped Hull in Quanzhou during the Southern Song Dynasty 何國衛/He Guowei

The Overseas Trade of Ports without Maritime Trade Bureau during the Song Dynasty
陳少豐/ Chen Shaofeng

The Late-Song-Dynasty Folklores and Religious Beliefs in Southern Fujian and Eastern Guangdong
連心豪/Lian Xinhao

The Overseas Chinese Merchants in Southeast Asia at the Turn of the Song and Yuan Dynasties——Based on the Historical Records of the Korean Peninsula
劉永連、王洋/Liu Yonglian, Wang Yang

A Study of the Five Overseas Sacred Mountains off the Southeast Coast as Recorded in Ancient Chinese Texts
周運中/ Zhou Yunzhong

Activities of Pirates in Fujian and Guangdong Provinces during Emperor Longqing’s Reign of the Ming Dynasty: A Study Based on the Book Sansheng Beibian Tuji ^
陳賢波/ Chen Xianbo

The Communication between a Korean Who Had Been Captured to Japan and the Ming-Dynasty Officials and Scholars in Fujian
帥倩/Shuai Qian

The Influence of Suzerain Vassal Relationship between China and Ryukyu on the East Asia
連晨曦/Lian Cheni

A Preliminary Study on the Routes of the French Missionaries to China in the 17th Century: Relationship between the Early Far-East Expansion of France and the Catholic Missionaries to China
謝子卿/Xie Ziqing

A Review and Reflection of the Research on the Hindu Stone Inscriptions in Quanzhou
王麗明/Wang Liming


海上絲綢之路上的中國帆船 [蔡薇、劉超、席龍飛]
Chinese Junks on the Maritime Silk Road
/Cai Wei, Liu Chao, Xi Longfei

宋代海船人員構成及航海方式 [黃純豔]
The Crew Composition of Chinese Junks and Navigationgal Skills in Song Dynasty
/Huang Chunyan

宋代層檀國新考 [陸芸]
New Findings on Cengtan Kingdom in the Song Dynasty
/Lu yun

忽必烈的東亞海外政策及禪宗影響 [烏雲高娃]
Kublais’ Overseas Policy towards East Asia and the Influence of Zen Buddhism

媽祖與明朝中期的倭寇危機:理論視角的探討 [(德國)普塔克。蔡潔華譯,錢江校改]
Mazu and the Mid-Ming “Wokou” Crisis: A Theoretical Discussion
/Roderich Ptak; Translated by Cai Jiehua, Revise by Qian Jiang

康熙六十一年琉球貢使海難事件重構 [特木勒]
The Ryukyu Envoys’ Shipwreck in 1722: Reconstruction of the Event Based on the Chinese and Manchurian Archives
/Temur Temule

越南古代以及中世紀的海外貿易史—越南學者黃英俊博士的一些觀點介紹 [顧衛民、錢盛華編譯整理]
Maritime Trade History of the Ancient and Medieval Vietnam: An Introduction to the Work of the Vietnamese Scholar Hoang Anh Tuan
/Translated by Gu Weimin, Qian Shenghua

古代中國長江下游地區和朝鮮半島南部地區的海上交流——以考古文物為中心 [(韓國)金仁喜]
Maritime Exchange the Lower Yangtze Region and Southern Korean Peninsula in Ancient Time: Archaeological Findings
/In-Hee, Kim

鄭和與泉州關係新證——族譜裏的鄭徐聯姻 [徐恭生]
New Findings on Zheng He and Quanzou: Marriages between Zheng and Xu Families as Recorded in Lineage Genealogy
/Xu Gongsheng

明清之際的福建與中西文化交流——“海上絲綢之路”的歷史契機與當代啟示 [吳巍巍、林金水]
Fujian and Chinese-Western Cultural Exchanges in the Ming and Qing Dynasties
/Wu Weiwei, Lin Jinshui

“八閩”源流考 [趙荔]
A Study on the Origin and Development of Ba Min
/Zhao Li

“行舟致遠:揚帆海上絲綢之路”國際學術研討會綜述 [榮亮、尤澤峰]
A Summary of the International Conference “Sailing on the Silk Road”
/Rong Liang, You Zefeng

“重新連接中國與穆斯林世界”國際學術研討會綜述 [馬建福、周晶]
“Re-Linking China and the Muslim World” International Conference: An Overview
/Ma Jianfu, Zhou Jing

“宋元交替時期東南沿海的海上交通”學術研討會綜述 [蕭彩雅]
Symposium on “the Maritime History of Southeast Coastal China from Late Song to Early Yuan” : A Report
/Xiao Caiya


Chinese Junks on the Maritime Silk Road
蔡薇 刘超 席龙飞/Cai Wei, Liu Chao, Xi Longfei

The Crew Composition of Chinese Junks and Navigational Skills in the Song Dynasty
黄纯艳/ Huang Chunyan

New Findings on Cengtan Kingdom in the Song Dynasty
陆 芸/Lu Yun

Kublai’s Overseas Policy towards East Asia and the Influence of Zen Buddhism

Mazu and the Mid-Ming “Wokou” Crisis: A Theoretical Discussion
[德国]普塔克/ Roderich Ptak
蔡洁华 译 钱江 校改/Translated by Cai Jiehua , Qian Jiang

The Ryukyu Envoys’ Shipwreck in 1722: Reconstruction of the Event Based on the Chinese and Manchurian Archives
特木勒/Temur Temule


Maritime Trade History of the Ancient and Medieval Vietnam:An Introduction to the Work of the Vietnamese Scholar Hoang Anh Tuan
顾卫民 钱盛华 编译/Translated by Gu Weimin , Qian Shenghua

Maritime Exchange between the Lower Yangtze Region and Southern Korean
Peninsula in Ancient Time: Archaeological Findings
[韩国]金仁喜/ In-Hee,Kim

New Findings on Zheng He and Quanzhou: Marriages between Zheng and Xu Families as Recorded in Lineage Genealogy
徐恭生/Xu Gongsheng

Fujian and Chinese-Western Cultural Exchanges in the Ming and Qing Dynasties
吴巍巍 林金水/Wu Weiwei , Lin Jinshui

A Study on the Origin and Development of Ba Min
赵荔/Zhao Li

A Summary of the International Conference “Sailing on the Silk Road”
荣亮 尤泽峰 /Rong Liang , You Zefeng

“Re-linking China and the Muslim World” International Conference :An Overview
马建福 周晶/Ma Jianfu , Zhou Jing

Symposium on “The Meritime History of Southeast Coastal China from Late Song to Early Yuan”:A Report
肖彩雅/Xiao Caiya


Kim Bu-shik´s Voyages to Song China and the Relations between Song and Koryo
劉迎勝/Liu Yingsheng

The Orphan Colony of Henan or the Trading Network of the Silk Road? — Rethinking on the Jewish Settlements in China during the Song and Yuan Dynasties
曹寅/Cao Yin

Three Questions on Pu Shougeng, the Foreign Merchant in Quanzhou
胡曉偉/Hu Xiaowei

The Coastal Northern China Sugar Trade and Quanzhou Merchants from the Early-18th to the Mid-19th Centuries
林儀/Lin Yi

The Religious Activities of Chinese Boatmen
李玉昆 李秀梅/Li Yukun and Li Xiumei

The Southern Move of Economic Centers and Shipbuilding Industry in the Sui and Tang Dynasties with a Focus on Maritime Military Activities
張曉東/Zhang Xiaodong

Maritime Silk Road and Overseas Chinese
廖大珂/Liao Dake

Maritime Trade between Qingdao Port and Japan (1898-1945): A Literature Review
張慢慢/Zhang Manman

Sino-Ryukyu Trade of the Ming and Qing Dynasties: A Review of Studies since 2000
李曉/Li Xiao

書評:獨闢蹊徑 不落窠臼
Book Review: Zhangjian,Collection Studies on Zhenghe´s Voyages to the Western Ocean
錢江/Qian Jiang