
古代亞洲的海洋貿易與閩南商人            錢江著  亞平 路熙佳譯
Junk Trade, Business Networks and Sojourning comminities: Hokkien Merchants in Early MaritimeAsia      Qian Jiang   
                                                        Translated by Ya Ping & Lu Xijia

《明末疆里及漳泉航海通交圖》編繪時間﹑特色及海外交通地名略析             陳佳榮
The Compilation Time, Characteristics and Notes to the Overseas Locations of the Selden Map of China      Chen Jiarong

《東西洋航海圖》成圖時間初探            郭育生 劉義杰
A Preliminary Analysis on the Completion Time of the “Nautical Chart of the Eastern and Western Oceans”      Guo Yusheng & Liu Yijie

舟子與國家 ― 明清文獻中的山東海道            王濤
Seamanship and the State ― Shandong Sea Route in the Ming and Qing Dynasties      Wang Tao

18世紀歐美諸國的亞洲公司與廣州貿易            (日本)松浦 章著    王亦錚譯
The Trade between Canton and Asian-based Companies of European and American Countries ni the 18th Century   (Japan)Mtsuura Akira 
                                                                   Translated by Wang Yizheng

論18世紀荷蘭東印度公司在華經營之道            劉勇
The Business Strategy of the VOC in China in the 18th Century      Liu Yong

全球化進程中的閩台茶            陳慈玉
Globalizing Fujian and Taiwanese Tea       Chen Ciyu



一幅新近發現的明朝中葉彩繪航海圖          錢江
A Mid Ming Watercolour Navigation Map Recently Discovered at Oxford University        Qian Jiang

清代泉州海難事件及其相關儀式                丁毓玲 王連茂
Shipwrecks in Quanzhou and Related Rituals in the Qing Dynasty       
    Ding Yuling & Wang Lianmao

廣東陽江海陵島考察記                            黃曉峰 劉月蓮
Research on Hai Ling Island of Yangjiang in Guangdong       
    Wong Io Fong & Lao Ut Lin 

“海為無波”:越南海神南海四位聖娘的傳說與信仰          牛軍凱
Vietnamese Sea Deities: the Legends and Beliefs of the Four Goddesses of the South Sea        Niu Junkai

清代前期的福建官方造船業                      林聯華
Government Shipbuilding Industry in Fujian in the Early Qing Dynasty       
    Lin Lianhua

尋找法屬越南南方的華人米商                   (澳大利亞)李塔娜
Chinese Rice Mercjants in French Cochinchina        (Audtralia)Li Tana

福州運木船與“花屁股”         (英國)夏德撰   謝昕 楊帆譯   許路校
The Hua Piku or Fuzhou Pole-Junk        Written by G. R. G. Worcester
                                                              Translated by Xie Xin & Yang Fan      

明清的中國商船畫卷——日本平戶松浦史料博物館藏《唐船之圖》考證        (日本)大庭 修撰  朱家駿譯
Ming-Qing Dynassties Paintings of Chinese Merchant Boats —— Study on the “Picture of Tang Boats” in Matsuura Historical Museum of Hirado, Jipan        
   Written by OBA Osamu
   Translated by Zhu Jiajun 

Obituary: Professor Chen Yanhang






