
(法語Guerre Froide,
英語Cold War,
俄語Холодная Война)


據美國專欄作家、《冷戰》一書作者沃爾特‧李普曼所稱,使用該詞的靈感是來自1930年代法語的“la Guerre Froide”(冷戰)一詞。[Strobe Talbott: The Great Experiment: The Story of Ancient Empires, Modern States, and the Quest for a Global Nation (2009) p.441 n.3.]
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第二次世界大戰結束後,英國作家喬治‧歐威爾(George Orwell,1903-1950 )在1945年10月19日Tribune報紙上發表的專欄文章,使用“冷戰”(the Cold War)一詞來描繪活在核戰爭陰影下的世界,警告這將會是“沒有和平的和平”。[Kort, Michael. The Columbia Guide to the Cold War. Columbia University Press. 2001: 3.]
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Michael Kort Columbia University Press:

The Cold War was the longest conflict in American history, and the defining event of the second half of the twentieth century. Since its recent and abrupt cessation, we have only begun to measure the effects of the Cold War on American, Soviet, post-Soviet, and international military strategy, economics, domestic policy, and popular culture. The Columbia Guide to the Cold War is the first in a series of guides to American history and culture that will offer a wealth of interpretive information in different formats to students, scholars, and general readers alike. This reference contains narrative essays on key events and issues, and also features an A-to-Z encyclopedia, a concise chronology, and an annotated resource section listing books, articles, films, novels, web sites, and CD-ROMs on Cold War themes.

奧威爾認為,他所謂的冷戰是指蘇聯和西方國家之間的意識形態衝突[Geiger, Till. Britain and the Economic Problem of the Cold War. Ashgate Publishing. 2004: 7.]

在1946年3月10日的《觀察家報》,喬治‧歐威爾寫道:“在去年12月的莫斯科會議後,俄國已經開始準備向不列顛和大英帝國發起一場‘冷戰’。” 當時正是丘吉爾“鐵幕”演説後不久。
[ Orwell, George, The Observer, 1946-03-10]
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George Orwell: the Observer years
George Orwell’s books defined his times, and his journalism for The Observer defined the spirit of the newspaper. In the centenary of his birth we celebrate the novelist and essayist whose passion for precision in thought and language survived war, illness and family tragedy - and whose ideas became the bedrock of David Astor’s paper

最先使用冷戰一詞來形容二戰後美國與蘇聯之間政治衝突的,則是美國人。1946年初,政論家赫伯特‧斯沃普(Herbert Bayard Swope,1882-1958)為參議員巴魯克擬寫演講稿,採用了“冷戰”(Cold War)一詞。1947年4月16日,伯納德‧巴魯克(Bernard Baruch,1870-1965)在南卡羅來納州的一場演講公開提到:“我們必須面對現實,我們今天就活在一場冷戰之下。”

1947年9月,美國著名專欄作家政論家沃爾特‧李普曼(Walter Lippmann,1889-1974)發表了以《冷戰》(The Cold War)為題的專著。
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沃爾特·利普曼(Walter Lippman,1889-1974),一位受廣泛閱讀的散文家和記者,於1947年發表了一系列名為“冷戰 ”的文章。該出版物反對杜魯門總統和“X”先生所操控的遏制政策,並推廣了 “冷戰”這一術語。 “冷戰”,這是杜魯門顧問伯納德·巴魯克在1947年4月的國會辯論中率先提出的。“X”先生是外交事務中一篇名為“蘇聯行為來源”的文章作者。 “X”先生 - 後來被透露是國務院政策規劃人員的主任喬治·凱南(George F. Kennan) - 他定義了美國應對蘇聯擴張採取的遏制政策。

Walter Lippman (1889-1974), a widely read essayist and journalist, published a series of articles called The Cold War in 1947. The publication spoke out against the policy of containment held by President Truman and Mr. “X” and popularized the term “Cold War,” which was first introduced by Truman advisor Bernard Baruch in a congressional debate in April 1947. Mr. “X” was the author of an article printed in Foreign Affairs called “The Sources of Soviet Conduct.”






1947年3月12日,美國總統杜魯門發表《國情諮文》,提出“杜魯門主義”(Truman doctrine),被認為是冷戰的正式開始。

